Reservation Life Introduction

  • Evening Sky Over Bear Butte, Black Hills, South Dakota, 2008 by Sue Reynolds
    Evening Sky Over Bear Butte, Black Hills, South Dakota, 2008 by Sue Reynolds
  • Little Big Horn River, Little Big Horn National Battlefield, Crow Reservation, Montana, 2011 by Sue Reynolds
    Little Big Horn River, Little Big Horn National Battlefield, Crow Reservation, Montana, 2011 by Sue Reynolds
  • Rebecca Rider, In Our Home Always Be Honest, Heart Butte, Blackfeet Reservation, Montana, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
    Rebecca Rider, In Our Home Always Be Honest, Heart Butte, Blackfeet Reservation, Montana, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
  • Michael Shoots Hoops with Lo LaPlant in the After School Program at Wakpala Public School, Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, 2015 by Sue Reynolds
    Michael Shoots Hoops with Lo LaPlant in the After School Program at Wakpala Public School, Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, 2015 by Sue Reynolds
  • Jacob Piapot Learns Salish at NKwusum, Flathead Reservation, Montana, 2014 by Sue Reynolds
    Jacob Piapot Learns Salish at NKwusum, Flathead Reservation, Montana, 2014 by Sue Reynolds
  • Leo Kipp After a Day Riding to Protect His Grandfather’s Cattle, Browning, Blackfeet Reservation, Montana, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
    Leo Kipp After a Day Riding to Protect His Grandfather’s Cattle, Browning, Blackfeet Reservation, Montana, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
  • Tiyapo Campbell with a River Fishing Net, Nez Perce Reservation, Idaho, 2017 by Sue Reynolds
    Tiyapo Campbell with a River Fishing Net, Nez Perce Reservation, Idaho, 2017 by Sue Reynolds
  • Leo and Eagle Whistle Playing Etch A Sketch, Browning, Blackfeet Reservation, Montana, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
    Leo and Eagle Whistle Playing Etch A Sketch, Browning, Blackfeet Reservation, Montana, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
  • Gigi Yazzie With Eagle Feather Fan, 2007 by Sue Reynolds
    Gigi Yazzie With Eagle Feather Fan, 2007 by Sue Reynolds
  • Devin Free Carrying His Little Brother Griffin, Wakpala, Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
    Devin Free Carrying His Little Brother Griffin, Wakpala, Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
  • Dork Diaries is One of Sarah’s Favorite Books, Mobridge, South Dakota, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
    Dork Diaries is One of Sarah’s Favorite Books, Mobridge, South Dakota, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
  • Meth is Deth Sign on Lower Brule Reservation, South Dakota, 2009 by Sue Reynolds
    Meth is Deth Sign on Lower Brule Reservation, South Dakota, 2009 by Sue Reynolds
  • Joseph Chased by a Colt at Tom Crawford’s Youth Program, Blackfeet Reservation, Montana, 2015 by Sue Reynolds
    Joseph Chased by a Colt at Tom Crawford’s Youth Program, Blackfeet Reservation, Montana, 2015 by Sue Reynolds
  • Sioux Pride at Wakpala Public School, Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, 2015 by Sue Reynolds
    Sioux Pride at Wakpala Public School, Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, 2015 by Sue Reynolds
  • "No DAPL" Protest Truck, Wakpala, Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
    "No DAPL" Protest Truck, Wakpala, Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
  • "No DAPL" Sign at Lake Oahe: What’s Our Future? Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
    "No DAPL" Sign at Lake Oahe: What’s Our Future? Standing Rock Reservation, South Dakota, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
  • Oceti Sakowin Protest Camp near Cannonball, North Dakota, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
    Oceti Sakowin Protest Camp near Cannonball, North Dakota, 2016 by Sue Reynolds
  • Patricia in Her History Classroom, Flathead Reservation, Montana, 2018
    Patricia in Her History Classroom, Flathead Reservation, Montana, 2018
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Reservation and other lands once promised to or freely traveled by Native Americans recall the history of conflict between tribes and the U. S. Government and Army.


for Mary Charlo

To come this far would be worth a song
in any other time,

Ride this pass to open country,
country of my grandfathers, of Victor’s dust.

This car makes this journey small.
Think of…grandmothers, of great grandfathers, of my children
who count boulders big as bison to headwaters, Three Forks,
on horse or on foot with dogs carrying days
for buffalo, sacred buffalo jump long ago.
Think of tipi like old, gray smoke in trees.

So, sing this time when time is ripe
to break camp, to sing this plain
to thunder again.


Put Sey (Good Enough), by Victor A. Charlo. Available on Amazon.

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