
Grand Entry, Tamkaliks Celebration, Wallowa, Oregon, 2006 by Sue Reynolds

Grand Entry, Tamkaliks Celebration, Wallowa, Oregon, 2006 by Sue Reynolds

What Teachers are Saying

"The photography is exquisite, the poems, breathtaking. There are extended opportunities for learning, including comprehensive questions and activities."

~ C. Ranch, California

"An outstanding website!  The content is extraordinary.  I’ll share with all the 4th and 5th grade teachers at my school."

~ M. Bupp, California

"Understanding is vital and this resource puts that at teachers’ disposal."

~ A. Maughn, Montana

"Thank you so much for helping to create a better understanding of Native culture for Non-native students and educators."

~ L. Snoke, Montana

What Media are Saying

“Sparks discussion and understanding among students about the experiences of navigating the two worlds of Native and non-Native life.”

~ Native News Online

"It's Native students in modern-day setting," Adele Martin, a Salish and Kootenai tribe member and language teacher for the Arlee Joint School District, said. It's not just them in their regalia. Everyday Native provides non-Native teachers information to help them be culturally responsive in classrooms."

~ Missoulian

The content enriches Language Arts, Native American History, U.S. History, Social Studies, Current Events, Art and more.”

~ Montana Public Radio

“It aims to fuel a teacher-led movement that promotes healing racism through education.”

~ The Write Question: NPR, Montana

Everyday Native Builds Bridges Between Native and non-Native Youth.”


Everyday Native uses stories, photos to overcome bullying.”

~ Montana Public Radio

Everyday Native provides a variety of materials for educators, including ideas for class discussions, writing, research and community involvement. These materials may be particularly relevant for lessons celebrating California Native American Day on Sept. 28 and Native American Heritage Month in November.”

~ California Educator

"Through such topics as biculturalism, family, reclaiming culture, and bullying, Everyday Native aims to fuel a movement of new, more accurate perceptions about and respect between non-Native and Native peoples."

~ State of the Arts

“Everyday Native’s high quality, primary source materials are meeting a shift in how education explores truths about marginalized racial groups. Teachers adapt it to enhance existing curriculum through a deeper conversation, which builds more accurate understanding and empathy.”

~ Indian Country Today

“(Everyday Native) uses photography and poetry to help Native youth.”

~ Wyoming Public Media

What Elected Officials are Saying

California Senator Dianne Feinstein congratulated founder Sue Reynolds for "providing teachers with a collaborative resource to educate students about Native American Cultures."

California Congressman Mark DeSaulnier expressed to Sue Reynolds Everyday Native is an "invaluable asset during this time of division."

U.S. Senator Jon Tester of Montana praised Salish Indian poet and educator Victor Charlo saying, "Congratulations on earning national recognition for Everyday Native. Thanks for your guidance to educators on creating their understanding of all Montanans."

California Assemblywoman Catharine Baker praised Reynolds and Everyday Native for "countless contributions in bringing awareness of our rich Native American history to our classrooms. The impact on our youth and community will last for generations to come."

What Film Festivals Are Saying

Award-winner for best short documentary.

~ Voices Rising film festival

Official selection, short documentary category.

~ Atlanta Women’s film festival

Praise for Sue Reynolds and Victor Charlo's Collaborative
Photo-Poetry Book

"(The Still Here book and exhibit are)...history-making in their collaborative content which embodies...success at creating understanding between Natives and non-Natives and helps to create new perceptions that break down stereotypes and honor tribal ways."

~ Former California Senator now U.S. Congressman Mark DeSaulnier,
Senate Resolution

"The (Still Here) book and its accompanying exhibit serve to illustrate the resiliency of Native cultures, combating cultural stereotypes by fostering new, more accurate perceptions of Native peoples."

~ U.S. Congressman George Miller, Blog Post

" her first powwow at the Flathead Reservation Reynolds felt an immediate affinity with her hosts.  She liked the emphasis on 'slowing down and returning to more traditional values' and became determined to help heal past injustices and modern prejudice."

~ Inside Bay Area

"The Congressman's recognition (of the Still Here book) means more Americans everywhere are becoming interested in Native Americans, beyond preconceived notions...maybe that will lead them to get to know the Native people in their own communities."

~ Indian Country Today

"Listen to San Francisco Bay Area photographer Sue Reynolds and American Indian poet Victor Charlo talk about their book Still Here: Not Living in Tipis."

~ Montana Public Radio

"Still Here combats poverty porn with photographs and poems celebrating contemporary Native American life. (Victor) Charlo wanted to be part of the project because he didn't see a lot of information or art about contemporary Native Americans, aside from negative news. He stresses the power of genuine alliances and understanding between Native and non-Native peoples...'We have to stick together.' "

~ Missoula Independent

"Sue is the rare photographer of Native American people today whose powerful cross-cultural work is bringing non-Native and Native people together to create change."

~ Fine Arts Magazine

"The result (of Still Here) is an immersive experience in ancient traditions and what it means to be Native American today from Native and non-Native perspectives."

~ Montana Arts Council

"Sue Reynolds was recently honored by U.S. Congressman George Miller."

~ National Museum of the American Indian, Facebook

"You (Sue Reynolds) represent a very positive image of Native Americans...that is appreciated within the Native community."

~ Bay Native Circle, KPFA


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